Crowdsourcing: sharing is caring.
Want to buy a fabric but MOQ is too big or price is too high?
Let us find co-buyers for you.
Selected mills
How crowdsourcing works
Crowdsourcing lets you find co-buyers for fabrics and trims, helping you meet the required MOQs and reduce pricing.
Every fabric on Satori is available for crowdsourcing. Just click the "crowdsource" button on every product page, enter how metres you need, and how long you're willing to wait - and then we'll be in touch when the MoQ is reached.
Have a fabric that you want to co-buy with others - but can't find it on Satori? Enter it here and we'll promote it on the platform to find co-buyers for you.
What are the benefits of crowdsourcing
By combining purchasing power of multiple brands, crowdsourcing reduces both costs and waste.
1. Reducing costs: Crowdsourcing helps you negotiate better deals with mills, leveraging economies of scale to meet the required MoQs, or reduce cost through greater volume.
2. Reducing waste: Buying together means that you only buy what you need, minimising fashion's waste and over-production problem.